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China calls for strengthening green development cooperation with Zambia

Release Date:2023-05-11 18:52:04     Source:Xinhua

Chinese Ambassador to Zambia Du Xiaohui said Thursday that there were many areas of cooperation in green development that must be explored between China and Zambia.

In remarks delivered when he paid a courtesy call on Zambian Minister of Green Economy and Environment Collins Nzovu, the Chinese ambassador said the two countries could take advantage of the green development program under the Forum on China-Africa Cooperation (FOCAC) to enhance green development cooperation.

He said China has already made a proposal for a green working group for trade between the two countries and was only waiting for a response from Zambia.

"I think that with this green working group for trade, we can strengthen the cooperation. China-Zambia cooperation is right with very good conditions, we can see that it is a good partnership but I think that we can add another objective for the cooperation," he said.

According to him, the two countries could also explore cooperation in electric vehicles as China has a huge market and manufacturing base for vehicles while Zambia was endowed with copper which was used in the manufacturing of batteries for electric vehicles.

He further said that the two countries should strengthen cooperation in recycling as a value chain for the green economy as part of efforts to protect the environment.

China is willing to share its expertise in recycling with Zambia, said Ambassador Du, noting that China was also ready to strengthen capacity building with Zambia through training programs.

The Chinese ambassador lauded the cordial relations that have existed between the two countries, stressing that the bilateral cooperation has now reached a strong momentum following a phone conversation between the two leaders last year.

The Zambian minister reaffirmed the need to strengthen the cooperation between the two countries which share common environmental challenges. He commended China for the support rendered in Zambia's forestry sector such as capacity building programs and donation of vehicles and motorcycles in 2015 which increased the delivery of extension and research services under the forestry department.

The minister said the country's forestry sector has also benefited from China through strong market linkages as China accounts for a large portion of Zambia's timber exports.

He, however, said Zambia requires strong support in environmental protection and climate adaptation as well as increased support toward value addition to forest products.


Editor: Galia


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