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Clean energy accounts for over 90 pct of Xizang's installed power capacity

Release Date:2024-01-16 12:59:43     Source:Xinhua

Clean energy constitutes 91.44 percent of the installed power capacity in southwest China's Xizang Autonomous Region, effectively achieving a clean and sustainable power supply, according to the State Grid Tibet Electric Power Company Limited.

At present, the installed capacity of hydropower, photovoltaic and wind power in Xizang accounts for 53.72 percent, 36.32 percent and 1.4 percent, respectively.

In 2023, Xizang Power Grid supplied 2.57 billion kWh of clean power to other provinces, an increase of 13.98 percent year on year, which helped reduce standard coal burning by 1.03 million tonnes and reduce carbon dioxide emissions by about 2.52 million tonnes.

Xizang is also scheduled to supply 15.5 billion kWh of electricity to 18 provinces under a framework agreement on power aid in the next three years.


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