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Li Keqiang Puts Forward Four Initiatives on Promoting "16+1" Cooperation in Next Step

Release Date:2017-12-07 16:52:05

On the afternoon of November 5, 2016 local time, Premier Li Keqiang attended the 5th Summit of China and the Central and Eastern European Countries (CEEC) in Riga and put forward initiatives on promoting the "16+1" cooperation in the next step.

Li Keqiang said that after four-plus years of development, the "16+1" cooperation mechanism has been further improved, with a more solid foundation and a broader prospect. The theme of the current Summit "Connectivity, Innovation, Inclusiveness and Common Development" has a strong pertinence and practical significance. He put forward concrete initiatives for cooperation in the next step: First, deepen cooperation in infrastructure and connectivity, and further enhance the hub role of the CEEC in the Eurasian Land Bridge. Second, well play the supporting role of financial cooperation, and provide financial support for the "16+1" cooperation projects in a variety of ways. Third, explore new space for cooperation in green economy, and strengthen cooperation in the fields of green agriculture, ecological environment protection and clean energy. Fourth, further enhance exchanges and cooperation in people-to-people and cultural engagement, and bring into full play the cooperation mechanisms in education, culture, tourism, health, local government, youth and others, so as to promote heart-to-heart communication between people of both sides.


EditorLi Qiran

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