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Eleventh Session of the IRENA Assembly

Release Date:2021-01-19 15:31:03     Source:IRENA

The 11th session of the IRENA Assembly will take place in a virtual setting from 18 to 21 January 2021, with related stakeholder meetings held virtually on 13 and 14 January 2021. The sessions will be live-streamed on the IRENA Assembly Live webpage.

The event will bring together Heads of State/Government, Ministers and energy decision-makers among its Membership and States-in-accession, as well as multilateral organisations, global stakeholders and private actors to reassess long-standing assumptions, perceived barriers and default decisions, and discuss the energy transition as an investment in our collective future.

A High-level Panel on Energy Transition for Sustainable Post-COVID Recovery will feature high-level participants including Heads of State, Ministers, heads of international and regional organisations and private actors, who will share their views on the role of the energy transition driven by renewables as a response to the pandemic and draw out strategies to simultaneously advance multiple economic, social and climate priorities.

Four Ministerial Plenary sessions will take place, engaging Ministers and High-level participants on specific topics such as National Energy Planning, Finance for Renewables, Renewables and Pathway to Carbon Neutrality and Energising Healthcare.

A number of Stakeholder Engagement events will be organized at the margins of the 11th IRENA Assembly that will bring specific perspectives on the energy transition from parliamentarians, youth and the private sector. The main objectives include raising awareness of the importance of intensifying global efforts to accelerate the pace of the energy transition in a post-COVID recovery and exploring short- and long-term actions that can mobilise investments in the renewable energy sector.

The Assembly will also consider the conclusions of the Agency’s Council meetings and provides guidance on specific administrative and institutional matters.


Editor: Galia

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