[Basic Information]
The Chinese Nuclear Society (hereafter referred to as “CNS”) was established in 1980. It is a non-for-profit organization dedicated to nuclear science, technology and engineering. Its object is to unify the professionals and to promote the advancement and peaceful use of nuclear science and technology.
The CNS has three main objectives:
To undertake scientific and technical exchange;
To engage in public communication;and
To enhance international cooperation.
The activities of CNS comprise:
Organization of conferences, seminars and workshop;
Transactions and publications;
Lectures and materials for the public and the media;
Visits to and from overseas partners;and
Policy suggestions to government authorities.
CNS has about 9500 individual members and 133 organization members. They are from government, enterprise, institute and university. CNS is largely founded by the China National Nuclear Corporation, which used to be China Ministry of Nuclear Industry. The Company employs 280,000 people and oversees 246 enterprises and institutions related to the design, manufacture, construction, and operation of nuclear power plants, and fuel cycle nuclear technology.
The authority is the National General Conference and the executive body is the Board of Directors. The Secretariat is responsible for daily operation, and the Secretary General is the chief administrative officer of CNS.
CNS has 7 committees carrying specified functions of the Society:
Scientific Exchange Committee;
Public Communication and Inquiry Committee;
Education and Human Resource Committee;
Editorial Committee;
Organization Committee;
Financial Committee; and
Women-In-Nuclear Committee.
The 21 Technical Divisions include: Calculation Physics, Isotope, Isotope Separation Technology, Nuclear Agronomy, Nuclear Chemical Engineering, Nuclear Chemistry and Radiochemistry, Nuclear Electronics and Nuclear Detection Techniques, Nuclear Fusion and Plasma Physics, Nuclear Industry Applications, Nuclear Materials, Nuclear Medicine, Nuclear Physics, Nuclear Power, Nuclear Science and Technology Information, Nuclear Techno-economics and Management, Particles Accelerator Technology, Radiation Protection, Radiation Research and Technology, Uranium Geology, Uranium Mining and Metallurgy.
The 21 Provincial Branches include: Anhui, Beijing, Fujian, Gansu, Guangdong, Guizhou, Henan, Hubei, Hunan, Jiangsu, Jiangxi, Jilin, Liaoning, Shanghai, Shanxi, Shanxxi, Sichuan, Tianjin, Xinjiang, Zhejiang.
Under each of Technical divisions and Provincial Branches, there are a number of committees focusing on specific technical area.
To promote the academic exchange, popularize the knowledge of nuclear science and technology to the public, strengthen the communication among Chinese and overseas colleagues are three main missions of the CNS.
Editor:Gao Yaling