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Release Date:2018-01-19 17:58:30

[China and Myanmar]

In 2013, China and Myanmar developed comprehensive strategic cooperative partnership on the basis of mutual respect, equality and mutual benefit and deepened exchanges and cooperation in political, economic, trade, cultural, people-to-people and military fields.

There were frequent high-level visits. In April, President U Thein Sein attended the Boao Forum for Asia Annual Conference and visited China. In their meeting, he and President Xi Jinping agreed to consolidate and enhance bilateral relations and advance the comprehensive strategic cooperative partnership in a sustained, sound and steady manner. In September, President U Thein Sein came to China for the 10th China-ASEAN Expo in Nanning, Guangxi province and met with Premier Li Keqiang. In June, State Councilor Yang Jiechi visited Myanmar, met with President U Thein Sein and had talks with Vice President U Nyan Tun. In November, Vice Premier Liu Yandong attended the opening ceremony of the 27th Southeast Asian Games (SEA Games) in Myanmar, met with President U Thein Sein and Vice President Sai Mauk Kham, and held talks with Vice President U Nyan Tun. The two sides reached broad consensus on developing bilateral relations and enhancing exchanges in culture, education, health and sports.

Mutually beneficial cooperation in economy and trade continued to deepen and bilateral trade maintained steady and fast growth. China continued to rank among the top foreign investors in Myanmar. The two countries continued to promote cooperation in energy, infrastructure and other areas relating to people's wellbeing. Fresh progress was made in major cooperation projects such as oil and gas pipelines. The natural gas pipeline was launched after construction was completed. The two sides actively promoted mutually beneficial cooperation within such frameworks as the Greater Mekong Sub-region and the Bangladesh-China-India-Myanmar Economic Corridor.

People-to-people and cultural exchange and cooperation kept expanding. China supported Myanmar in successfully hosting the 27th SEA Games. The Chinese "Brightness Action" medical team and "Peace Ark" hospital ship offered large-scale free medical services in Myanmar to the benefit of local patients. The first Chinese TV series translated into the Myanmar language through cooperation between China and Myanmar, Jin Tailang's Happy Life was a great hit in Myanmar. Friendship organizations of the two countries stepped up exchanges. Quite a number of media delegations from Myanmar visited China. More frequent exchanges between friendship organizations enhanced mutual understanding and friendship between the two sides.

Steady progress was made in military relations. In January, PLA Deputy Chief of General Staff Lieutenant General Qi Jianguo led a delegation to Myanmar and held the first strategic security consultation with Vice Senior General Soe Win, bringing bilateral military and security cooperation to a new level. In July, Vice Chairman of the Central Military Commission General Fan Changlong visited Myanmar. In October, Senior General Min Aung Hlaing visited China.

In line with Myanmar's wish, China actively supported and assisted in peace talks between the Myanmar government and ethnic armed groups in northern Myanmar, playing a constructive role in peace talks in northern Myanmar in a joint effort with Myanmar to maintain tranquility and stability in the border areas.


Editor: Chen Jianfeng

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