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Release Date:2018-09-05 11:29:36     Source:

[China and Timor-Leste]

In 2013, bilateral relations between the People's Republic of China and the Democratic Republic of Timor-Leste maintained a sound momentum of growth.

In November, Vice Premier Wang Yang met with Deputy Prime Minister Fernando Lasama de Araujo on the sidelines of the Fourth Ministerial Conference of the Forum for Economic and Trade Cooperation Between China and the Portuguese-speaking Countries in Macao.

China's assistance to Timor-Leste yielded productive results, and various China-aided projects were carried out smoothly. China actively supported the capacity building of Timor-Leste, and trained 112 civil servants and technicians for the country. The trilateral agricultural cooperation among China, the United States and Timor-Leste made positive progress. The Chinese medical team continued to provide services for the local communities.

People-to-people exchanges advanced smoothly. The Timor-Leste- China Friendship Association was established in Dili. China continued to provide government scholarships to Timor-Leste.



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