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Release Date:2018-11-30 15:37:05     Source:

[China and Micronesia]

In 2013, relations between the People's Republic of China and the Federated States of Micronesia continued to enjoy sound development.

The two sides maintained close high-level exchanges with deepening political mutual trust. Following the formation of the new government in China, President Xi Jinping and President Emanuel Mori exchanged letters, and President Mori sent a congratulatory message to Premier of the State Council Li Keqiang. In September, Li Qiangmin, Special Envoy for the China-Pacific Islands Forum Dialogue, attended the 25th Post-Forum Dialogue of the Pacific Islands Forum held in the Republic of the Marshall Islands, during which he met with President Mori. In November, President Mori attended the Second China-Pacific Island Countries Economic Development and Cooperation Forum in Guangzhou, China, and met with Vice Premier Wang Yang.

Bilateral economic and technical cooperation progressed steadily. The two countries witnessed further headway in exchanges and cooperation in maritime scientific research, medical care, health and people-to-people connections. The survey and design for the bridge in the State of Kosrae, a China-assisted project, were completed. The two sides signed and exchanged letters of intent on the ninth phase of the Demonstration Farm project. In September, the Xiangyanghong 09 ship carrying the Human Occupied Vehicle Jiaolong again docked at Pohnpei Port for replenishment. In the same month, a medical team from Guangdong Province visited Micronesia. It provided surgery and other treatment to over 100 patients and was well received by the locals.



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