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New Zealand

New Zealand

Release Date:2018-09-19 14:50:52

[China and New Zealand]

In 2013, driven by the high-level political mutual trust and mutually beneficial business ties, the comprehensive cooperative relationship for win-win outcome between the People's Republic of China and New Zealand continued to grow with a sound momentum.

There were close high-level exchanges. In October, President Xi Jinping and Premier Li Keqiang met with Prime Minister John Key respectively on the sidelines of the 21st Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) Economic Leaders' Meeting in Bali, Indonesia and the East Asia leaders' meetings in Bandar Seri Begawan, Brunei Darussalam. In April, Prime Minister John Key paid an official visit to China and attended the Boao Forum for Asia Annual Conference. During the visit, he met with President Xi Jinping, held talks with Premier Li Keqiang and attended relevant activities with Vice Premier Liu Yandong and Vice Premier Wang Yang respectively. In March, Governor-General Sir Jerry Mateparae, Prime Minister John Key and Speaker of the Parliament David Carter sent congratulatory messages to President Xi Jinping, Premier Li Keqiang and NPC Chairman Zhang Dejiang respectively on their assumption of new posts.

Other important bilateral exchanges were as follows: In April, Minister of Agriculture Han Changfu and Secretary of the CPC Anhui Provincial Committee Zhang Baoshun visited New Zealand. In June, Minister of Primary Industries Nathan Guy visited China. In July, Zhang Zhijun, head of the State Council Taiwan Affairs Office, visited New Zealand. Minister of Immigration Michael Woodhouse visited China in the same month. In August, Minister of Culture Cai Wu visited New Zealand. Minister of Foreign Affairs Murray McCully visited China. In October, Secretary of the CPC Qinghai Provincial Committee Luo Huining paid a visit to New Zealand. Minister of Justice Judith Collins visited China. Minister for Economic Development Steven Joyce and Minister of Broadcasting Craig Foss visited China in November and December respectively.

Economic and trade ties became ever-closer. The China-New Zealand Free Trade Agreement and the Currency Swap Agreement Between the People's Bank of China and the Reserve Bank of New Zealand were implemented smoothly. In 2013, China became New Zealand's No.1 trading partner for the first time in history. The New Zealand government approved the sales of forest blocks to China Forestry Group Corporation. Investment by Yili Industrial Group and Yashili Group also went through smoothly.

Exchanges and cooperation in the fields of education, tourism, science, technology and culture continued to expand. New Zealand is one of the major destinations for Chinese students studying abroad. By the end of 2013, a total of 51,500 Chinese students were studying in New Zealand, making China its largest source of overseas students. China is New Zealand's second largest source of international tourists. In 2013, a total of 170,000 Chinese people made New Zealand the first stop of their overseas travel and 129,000 people from New Zealand visited China. In April, the two countries signed the Arrangement Between the New Zealand Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment and the Ministry of Science and Technology of the People's Republic of China on a New Zealand-China Scientist Exchange Program. In February,a number of Chinese performing troupes participated in the Spring Festival celebrations in Wellington and Auckland. In April, the Royal New Zealand Ballet visited China.

Military-to-military contacts were close. In August, China, New Zealand, Australia and the United States jointly held "Exercise Phoenix Spirit 2013", a combined humanitarian assistance and disaster relief exercise, in Christchurch, New Zealand. The Sixth Round of China- New Zealand Military to Military Talks was held in Wellington, which was led by PLA Deputy Chief of General Staff Lieutenant General Wang Guanzhong, Vice Chief of Defense Force Major General Timothy Keating and Deputy Secretary of Defense Bede Corry. In October, General Zhao Keshi, member of the Central Military Commission and director of the PLA General Logistics Department, visited New Zealand. In November, Minister of Defense Jonathan Coleman visited China.



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