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Release Date:2018-12-11 15:07:15     Source:

[China and Niue]

The year 2013 marked the sixth anniversary of the diplomatic relations between the People's Republic of China and Niue. The friendly and cooperative relations between the two countries continued to make steady progress.

In October, Premier Li Keqiang of the State Council sent a message of congratulations to Premier Toke Talagi on Niue's Constitution Day. In November, Vice Premier Wang Yang met with Premier Talagi in Guangzhou during the second China-Pacific Island Countries Economic Development and Cooperation Forum. In Septemer, Li Qiangmin, Special Envoy for the China-Pacific Islands Forum Dialogue, met with Premier Talagi on the sidelines of the 25th Post Forum Dialogue of the Pacific Islands Forum in Majuro, the Capital of the Republic of the Marshall Islands.

In December, Wang Lutong, newly appointed Chinese Ambassador to Niue, presented the letter of credence to Premier Talagi.



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