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Release Date:2018-11-22 15:11:08     Source:

[China and Mexico]

In 2013, the relationship between the People's Republic of China and the United Mexican States was elevated to a comprehensive strategic partnership. This marked a historic leap of bilateral relationship and the beginning of a new stage of comprehensive and fast growth.

The two countries enjoyed ever increasing political trust. From 4 to 6 June, President Xi Jinping paid a state visit to Mexico. During his visit, President Xi held talks with Mexican President Enrique Pe?a Nieto, met with Vice President of Permanent Commission of the Congress of the Union Ricardo Anaya Cortés and President of the Chamber of Deputies Francisco Agustín Arroyo and delivered a speech entitled Seek Common Development to Create a Better Future at the Mexican Senate. He also met with Mayor of Mexico City Miguel Angel Mancera Espinosa, received the Key to Mexico City and attended and addressed the China- Mexico Entrepreneurs Luncheon. President Xi and President Pe?a Nieto jointly announced the elevation of China-Mexico strategic partnership to a comprehensive strategic partnership and signed the Joint Declaration of the People's Republic of China and the United Mexican States. China pledged to invite 100 Mexican students to participate in summer camps in China in 2013 and provide 300 government scholarships in the next three years. The China Cultural Center was officially inaugurated in Mexico City. Witnessed by the two presidents, the two sides signed 12 documents on the establishment of the High Level Business Group and cooperation in energy, mining, infrastructure, emerging industries and other areas. In September, President Xi and President Pe?a Nieto held a bilateral meeting on the sidelines of the Eighth G20 Summit. In April, President Pe?a Nieto visited China and attended the Boao Forum for Asia Annual Conference 2013. In March, President Pe?a Nieto sent a congratulatory letter to President Xi Jinping and Premier Li Keqiang respectively on their assumption of new posts. In July, President Pe?a Nieto sent a letter of condolences to President Xi on the earthquake in Min and Zhang counties of Gansu Province. In September, President Xi and Foreign Minister Wang Yi sent messages of condolences to President Pe?a Nieto and Secretary of Foreign Affairs José Meade Kuribre?a respectively following the hurricane and tropical storm that hit Mexico.

Important delegations of the two sides made frequent mutual visits. Vice Chairman of the NPC Zhang Ping visited Mexico and attended the Fourth G20 Parliament Speakers' Meeting. Assistant Foreign Minister Zhang Kunsheng co-chaired, with Undersecretary of Foreign Affairs Carlos Alberto de Icaza, the Third China-Mexico Strategic Dialogue and the 13th political consultation between the two foreign ministries held in Mexico. Secretary of Foreign Affairs Meade, President of the ruling Institutional Revolutionary Party César Camacho Quiros and Governor of the Chihuahua State César Horacio Duarte made separate visits to China. Minister of Agriculture, Livestock, Rural Development, Fisheries and Food Enrique Martínez y Marínez visited China and attended the First China-Latin America and the Caribbean Agricultural Ministers' Forum. Secretary of Foreign Affairs Meade, Secretary of Communication and Transport Gerardo Ruiz Esparza and Secretary of Tourism Claudia Ruiz Massieu made a joint visit to China.

The two countries maintained coordination and cooperation in multilateral fields. The two sides stayed in close communication on such major global issues as climate change and the UN Security Council reform.

Business cooperation moved forward steadily. Mexico started to export pork and tequila to China. The two sides set up the High Level Working Group for Investment Between the Government of China and the Government of Mexico and the High Level Business Group Between China and Mexico.

There were dynamic cultural, people-to-people, scientific and technological, military and subnational exchanges. The China Cultural Center was established and a series of cultural activities were carried out. The student exchange program was well under way. China increased the number of government scholarships to Mexico. The guards of honor of the Chinese People's Liberation Army visited Mexico and attended the military parade celebrations of the 203rd Anniversary of Mexico's Independence.



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