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South Africa

South Africa

Release Date:2018-10-08 14:54:21

[China and South Africa]

In 2013, the comprehensive strategic partnership between the People's Republic of China and the Republic of South Africa continued to deepen, with expanding exchanges and cooperation in various fields.

The two countries maintained close high-level exchanges. From 25 to 29 March, President Xi Jinping paid a state visit to South Africa. He held talks with South African President Jacob Zuma and attended the Fifth BRICS Leaders' Meeting in Durban. From 6 to 7 December, State Councilor Yang Jiechi attended the Fourth Meeting of BRICS High Representatives for Security Issues and met with Siyabonga Cwele, the High Representative and Minister of State Security of South Africa. From 27 to 30 October, South African Deputy President Kaglema Motlanthe paid an official visit to China, during which he co-chaired the Fifth Plenary Meeting of China- South Africa Bi-National Commission with Vice President Li Yuanchao, and met with President Xi Jinping.

The two foreign ministries kept close cooperation. From 17 to 18 February, Foreign Minister Yang Jiechi visited South Africa. He met with President Zuma and held talks with Minister Maite Nkoana-Mashabane of International Relations and Cooperation. In September, Foreign Minister Wang Yi met with Minister Mashabane on the sidelines of the 68th Session of the United Nations General Assembly.

Exchanges between political parties of the two countries were dynamic. In September, Sun Zhengcai, member of the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee and Secretary of the CPC Chongqing Municipal Committee, visited South Africa. In November, Yu Hongqiu, Vice President of and member of the Secretariat of the All-China Women's Federation, led a goodwill delegation of CPC to South Africa. In September, Secretary- General Blade Nzimande of South Africa Communist Party led a group of senior party members to China on a study tour. China held a workshop for the new National Executive Committee members of the ruling African National Congress.

Economic cooperation and trade continued to develop in a fast and sound fashion. Bilateral trade volume accounted for nearly one third of that between China and Africa as a whole. South Africa had been China's largest trading partner in Africa for four consecutive years. China had been South Africa's largest trading partner, export destination and source of import for five years in a row. In September, South Africa held, with China's assistance, the South Africa Expos in China 2013 in Xiamen and Beijing, and became the first ever Country of Honor of the China International Fair for Investment and Trade. In February, Vice Minister of Land and Resources Wang Min attended Mining Indaba 2013 held in South Africa. In November, South African Minister of Mineral Resources Susan Shabangu came to China for China Mining 2013. Financial cooperation grew rapidly. The South African Reserve Bank announced its US$1.5 billion of investment, the first of its kind, in the Chinese interbank bond market as a portion of its reserves.

Military, people-to-people and subnational exchanges became even closer. Visits to South Africa were paid by Lieutenant General Chen Yong, Assistant Chief of General Staff of PLA, Chen Xiaoguang, Vice Cultural Minister, Wu Shulin, Vice Minister of the State Administration of Press, Publication, Radio, Film and Television, Zhang Changping, Chairman of CPPCC Provincial Committee of Fujian, and Li Xiaolin, President of the Chinese People's Association for Friendship with Foreign Countries. South African Minister of Tourism Marthinus van Schalkwyk visited China, and the two countries signed the Agreement Between the Government of the People's Republic of China and the Republic of South Africa on Cooperation in the Field of Tourism. MEC Motlalepula Rosha of North West Province of South Africa visited China. By the end of 2013, there had been 28 pairs of sister provinces/cities relationship.

President Xi Jinping Visited South Africa

From 25 to 29 March, President Xi Jinping paid a state visit to South Africa and held talks with his South African counterpart President Jacob Zuma. Competent authorities from the two sides signed 13 cooperation documents on commerce, finance, investment, energy, mineral resources, culture, education and infrastructure.

During the talks, President Xi said that China and South Africa, both as important developing countries, have similar historical experience, closely-related destinies and intertwined future, and the relationship enjoys increasing strategic significance and global influence. China keeps its relationship with South Africa a priority in its foreign policy. China is ready to work with South Africa to write a new chapter of friendly cooperation and make the relationship a fine example of the new type of China-Africa strategic partnership as well as unity and cooperation between major developing countries. China and South Africa must deepen mutual trust, maintain high-level and party-to-party exchanges and share governance experience. The two countries should also show mutual understanding and support on issues concerning each other's core and major interests, enhance strategic coordination in regional and international affairs, and protect the common interests of the two countries and other developing countries. China would like to advance cooperation with South Africa for win-win outcomes. China will encourage and support Chinese companies and financial institutions in pursuing investment and financing cooperation in the priority areas of South Africa's development such as infrastructure, mining, energy and automobile. Both sides should guide and support businesses in collaborating on major projects. The two countries must be future-oriented, step up people-to-people exchanges, and make joint efforts to ensure the success of the Year of South Africa in China in 2014 and the Year of China in South Africa in 2015. China will set up a China Cultural Center in South Africa and promote partnerships between universities and colleges so that bilateral friendship will be carried forward from generation to generation.

President Zuma appreciated President Xi's observations on the development of bilateral ties. He pointed out that it was South Africa's special privilege that President Xi visited South Africa during his first overseas trip, which was a testament to the high level bilateral relationship. China's development provides good experience and inspirations for South Africa which is motivated to make bigger progress on the way forward. South Africa attaches strategic importance to strengthening unity and cooperation with China for common development and a more just and equitable international order.

The Fifth Plenary Meeting of China-South Africa Bi-National Commission Was Held in China

From 27 to 30 October, South African Vice President Kgalema Mothlante paid an official visit to China. During the visit, he co-chaired, with Vice President Li Yuanchao, the Fifth Plenary Meeting of China- South Africa Bi-National Commission, and met with President Xi Jinping. Competent authorities of the two sides signed two cooperation documents on tourism and public administration.

During the meeting, Vice President Li said that China-South Africa relations had moved forward by leaps and bounds over the past 15 years since the establishment of diplomatic ties. China has every confidence in South Africa's development. China hopes that both sides will make the most of the Commission to make a long-term and strategic plan for bilateral relations, advance win-win cooperation in commerce, science and technology, energy, agriculture, public administration and people-topeople exchanges, enhance communication and collaboration on major regional and international issues, and take the comprehensive strategic partnership to a new height.

Vice President Mothlante said that the development of South Africa- China relations is gathering momentum, and South Africa will work with China to further boost the friendly and win-win cooperation in various fields.

Before the plenary meeting, the two sides held separate sub-committee sessions on foreign affairs, economy and trade, science and technology, mining and energy. On 25 October, the fourth session of the sub-committee on foreign affairs and the Sixth China-South Africa Strategic Dialogue were held in Beijing, co-chaired by Vice Minister Zhai Jun and Deputy Minister of International Relations and Cooperation Ebrahim Ebrahim.

Former South African President Nelson Mandela Passed Away

On 5 December local time (6 December Beijing time), former South African President Nelson Mandela passed away after a long illness at his Johannesburg home at the age of 95. On 6 December, President Xi Jinping and Premier Li Keqiang respectively sent a message of condolences to President Zuma. Vice President Li Yuanchao, on behalf of the Chinese government, went to the South African Embassy in China to offer condolences. Foreign Minister Wang Yi expressed condolences to South African Minister of International Relations and Cooperation Mashabane via a message. From 9 to 11 December, Vice President Li attended President Mandela's funeral in South Africa and addressed the official memorial service as the Special Envoy of President Xi. During his stay, Vice President Li met with President Zuma and relayed to him a signed letter from President Xi.



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