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Portugal launches 100-mln-euro home energy efficiency program

Release Date:2023-07-21 14:07:01     Source:Xinhua

The government of Portugal announced on Wednesday a new program worth 100 million euros (112 million U.S. dollars) to improve energy efficiency of the residential buildings.

The initiative provides for the financing of 85 percent of the investment needed to replace "non-efficient" windows, instal photovoltaic panels, thermal insulation, heating and cooling systems, and water and other renewable energy production equipment for self-consumption and water efficiency.

Duarte Cordeiro, minister for the environment and climate action, said that applications will be accepted until the equivalent of three million square meters of intervention area is reached.

Funding for the so-called Support Program for More Sustainable Buildings aims to support measures that promote decarbonization and energy efficiency. The aim is to reduce primary energy consumption by at least 30 percent.


Editor: Galia


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